Sl. No. Notification Date 1 Mathematics Seat Matrix of Third Round ..2021-22 05/12/2021 2 Approval for KU Regulation governing the acts of CBCS for UG Programme _General_ wef 2021-22 04/12/2021 3 MLISc Admission second round information 04/12/2021 4 Dept of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 3rd Round Vacant Seat-2021-22 reg. 04/12/2021 5 PG Botany-M. Sc. Botany I semester Merit List 04/12/2021 6 Dept. of Statistics Merit List and Seat Metrix 2021-22. 04/12/2021 7 3rd round vacant seat P.G. department of Studies in Physical Education. 04/12/2021 8 YOGA SEATS AVAILABLE FOR 3RD ROUND 04/12/2021 9 Dept. History & Archaeology (Spot Admission) 04/12/2021 10 MSW I Semester provisional Admission List and details 04/12/2021 11 BA ILRD I & II Sem NEP Syllabus 2021-22 04/12/2021 12 Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, Provisional Merit List for admission to PG Course 2021-22 04/12/2021 13 Dept of Music Provisional I Round List 2021-22 04/12/2021 14 Physics 3rd Round counselling /Spot admission to be held on 06-12-2021 04/12/2021 15 DEPT OF GEOLOGY, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD MERIT LIST OF M.SC.(A.G) 1ST SEM FOR THE YEAR 2021-22 04/12/2021 16 MSc Biotechnology and M.Sc Microbiology Provisional Merit list..20221-22 04/12/2021 17 Dept of Biochemistry Provisional Merit List, 2021-22 04/12/2021 18 Economics : Spot and final round 6-12-2021 Time-11:30 04/12/2021 19 M.COM VACANCY POSITION FOR 2ND ROUND 2021-22 04/12/2021 20 III Round Counseling M.A/M.Sc Criminology And Forensic Science 04/12/2021 21 Circular - B.Ed Students of Govt. Quota for Eligibility Certificate Regarding 2021-22 03/12/2021 22 Criminology and Forensic Science Vacancy Position 2021-22... 03/12/2021 23 MA/MSc Anthropology Provisional Merit List for 2021-22 03/12/2021 24 PGDEF Entrance Test 2021 03/12/2021 25 M. A Yoga Seats Available for 2nd Round 03/12/2021 26 LL M Entrance Test Results 2021 03/12/2021 27 Folklore II Round Ranking List - 2021-22 03/12/2021 28 M.A Sociology Admission Seat Matrix for Third Round on 06.12.2021 03/12/2021 29 M Com II Round Counseling Admission change of Venue on 06-12-2021 03/12/2021 30 M. Sc. Mathematics Second Round Seat Matrix and First Round Provisional Admission List 03/12/2021 31 Admissions to I Year LL.B. (3 Years course) (after Degree) Programme 2021-22 03/12/2021 32 Chemistry 3rd round vacancy list 2021 03/12/2021 33 M. Sc.Botany I Semester Merit List 2021-22 03/12/2021 34 Economics: Available seats in the third Round 03/12/2021 35 Criminology 2nd Round Counseling 03/12/2021 36 M.A/M.Sc Criminology And Forensic ScienceII Round Counseling 03/12/2021 37 Dept of History and Archaeology (3 rd Round Merit List) 02/12/2021 38 Dept of Linguistics Filled & Vacant Seats Details 2021-22 02/12/2021 39 MSW I Sem Provisional Admission List, Counseling Scheduled and Seat Matrix for Second Counseling 02/12/2021 40 SECOND Round vacancy Seats of Dept of Women's Studies 02/12/2021 41 Journalism and Mass Communication, Provisional Merit List for admission to PG Course - 2021-22 02/12/2021 42 Dept of POLITICAL SCIENCE 2nd Round Counselling Vacancy Position-2021-22 02/12/2021 43 M.P.Ed Admission 2021-22 IInd Round Vacant Seat 02/12/2021 44 EXAMINATION NOTIFICATION REVISED: Vth & VIth semester Special Examination for all UG Courses 02/12/2021 45 Circular of K.U Various Men and Women team Selection trails 01/12/2021 46 Dept of Economics, Second Round Counselling 01/12/2021 47 Dept of Kannada 1st Round Filled & Vecant Seat Details 2021-22 01/12/2021 48 M.Sc. First Semester Biochemistry course for the year 2021-22. 01/12/2021 49 Revised : Dept of Kannada 1st Round Filled & Vacant Seat Details 2021-22 01/12/2021 50 M.A Sociology Admission Seat Matrix for Second Round on 03.12.2021 at 12.00 noon onwards 01/12/2021 51 CHEMISTRY II Round vacency List, Counseling to be held on 02-12-2021. 01/12/2021 52 Dept of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2nd Round Vacant Seat-2021-22 reg. 01/12/2021 53 M.Sc. in Physics Second Round Counselling 2021-22 01/12/2021 54 Dept of Women's Studies Seat Matrix, Merit List, and Fees Structure 2021-21 30/11/2021 55 Psychology Dept. KUD M.A. I Sem Merit list 2021-22 30/11/2021 56 M.Sc ( CS ) Master of Computer Science ADMISSION MERIT LIST: 2021 - 22 30/11/2021 57 M.COM OTHER UNIVERSITIES PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST AND INCOMPLETE LIST 2021-22 30/11/2021 58 FOLKLORE PROVISANAL RANKING LIST - 2021-22 30/11/2021 59 Library and Information Science PROVISANAL RANKING LIST - 2021-22 30/11/2021 60 History & Archaeology -2021-22 Merit List for IInd Round of Counselling 30/11/2021 61 M.P.Ed IST YEAR ADMISSION PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST FOR the year 2021-22 30/11/2021 62 Circular for admission for PG courses having Not Cleared Lower(NCL) semester examination. 30/11/2021 63 Department of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Re- Scheduling of Counselling-2021-22 reg. 30/11/2021 64 Ph.D Course work 2020-21 29/11/2021 65 Circular - Fees collected by Affiliated Colleges from those students who have selected under KUD Quota -2021-22 29/11/2021 66 M.COM PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST COUNSELLING 2021-22 29/11/2021 67 M.Sc. Electronics, Provisional Merit List (KUD &OU), Seat Matrix, Instructions, Fee Structure 2021-22 29/11/2021 68 Philosophy - Provisional Merit List 2021-22 29/11/2021 69 Marathi Admission Provisional Rank List 29/11/2021 70 Botany -Provisional Merit List-2021 29/11/2021 71 MA Hindi - I YEAR ADMISSION FOR THE YEAR 2021-22 29/11/2021 72 Postponed of Physical Education Director Meeting 29/11/2021 73 M.A Sociology Admission Provisional Merit List 29/11/2021 74 M A Yoga Admission 2021-22 29/11/2021 75 Criminology and Forensic Science Provisional Merit List 2021-22 29/11/2021 76 PHYSICS REVISED PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST (KUD &OU),2021-22 29/11/2021 77 Linguistics Provisional Merit List - Seat Matrix & Fees Structure 29/11/2021 78 EXAMINATION NOTIFICATION: Vth & VIth semester Special Examination for all UG Courses(notification is applicable for regular students only)) 29/11/2021 79 Modified Physics, Provisional Merit List (KUD &OU), Seat Matrix, Instructions, Fee Structure 2021-22 Modified 28/11/2021 80 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION-Provisional Merit List-2021 27/11/2021 81 P.G DEPLOMA AND C.Y.S IN YOGA STUDIES ADMISSION SCHEDULE 2021-22 27/11/2021 82 Dept of POLITICAL SCIENCE Provisional Merit List-2021-22 27/11/2021 83 MA English I Semester Admission Provisional Rank List and other informations 27/11/2021 84 MSW I Semester Admission Provisional Rank List & fees structure admission dates 27/11/2021 85 Dept of Studies in Hindi Provisional Common Merit List of the candidates who have applied for MA Hindi -I year for the academic year 2021-22 27/11/2021 86 M.A Sociology Admission Provisional Merit List and Seat Matrix 27/11/2021 87 Sanskrit Ranking list & Counselling dates for 2021-22 27/11/2021 88 M.Sc. Mathematics Rank List and other instructions" 27/11/2021 89 Economics Provisional Merit List 2021 27/11/2021 90 Dept of History and Archaeology Merit list-2021-22 27/11/2021 91 Kannada Provisional merit list & Fees Structure Counseling Date 27/11/2021 92 CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER ADMISSION PROVISIONAL RANK LIST & SEAT MATRIX 2021-2 27/11/2021 93 Notification for Teaching Assistant and Guest Faculty for Biotechnology and Microbiology (PG) 27/11/2021 94 MSc Biotechnology and MSc Microbiology Entrance Results 2021 26/11/2021 95 Library information Science(M.L.I.Sc) -Re scheduled Admission Counselling Dates 26/11/2021 96 MBA Teaching Assistant & Guest Faculty Notification 2021 25/11/2021 97 Department of Political Science Entrance Test Result-2021-22 25/11/2021 98 Notification for Teaching Assistant and Guest Faculty for Applied Genetics Subject (PG) 25/11/2021 99 Ist Round Counselling in Political Science instead of Basava studies 25/11/2021 100 Circular levying Penalty to various UG PG courses student who Take admission without Eligibility cert. reg. 25/11/2021 101 Department of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PG Entrance Test Result-2021-22 REG 25/11/2021 102 M.Com Admission counseling 2021-22 25/11/2021 103 Submission of PG Admission details of III & V Sem for Scholarship (SSP)) 25/11/2021 104 PG I & II Sem Calendar of Events 2021-22 23/11/2021 105 Circular of K.U Men and Women Badminton, Volleyball and Cycling team Selection Trials 23/11/2021 106 Circular of Physical Director meeting-2021-22 23/11/2021 107 Titles of the OEC for various subjects & degrees to search for OEC in UUCMS portal 2021-22 23/11/2021 108 Requirement of User ID & Password for Colleges of UUCMS I Semester Admission 2021-22 23/11/2021 109 Submision of Admission details of III & V Sem for Scholarship 23/11/2021 110 Sports Circular-2021-22 20/11/2021 111 PG ADMISSION COUNSELLING DATES AND FEES STRUCTURES FOR THE YEAR 2021-22 18/11/2021 112 PG ENTRANCE 2021 KEY ANSWERS 17/11/2021 113 Circular of 2021-22 Admission to the I Sem of UG Degree class on the subject change proposal of the Students 15/11/2021 114 Click here for Karnatak University Online and Classroom Coaching for different Competitive Examinations like KAS, PSI, PC, PDO, Bank, Railways, SSC, GPSTR, KAR TET, UGC NET, K SET, UPSC, etc. through 'Karnatak University App' 12/11/2021 115 Dr D C Pavate memorial fellowships in Cambridge university- 2022-23 12/11/2021 116 Foundation Lecture Circular.. 11/11/2021 117 SYLLABUS - BASLP (Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology ) [Effective from 2021-22] 11/11/2021 118 New modified dates for admission Master of Visual Art PG course 11/11/2021 119 Revised Syllabus 2021-2022 _M.Lib.I.Sc 08/11/2021 120 The Reschedule for admission to LL.M Course for the year 2021-22 08/11/2021 121 Postponement of LLM admission schedule 2021-22 08/11/2021 122 RV Circular - 2021 06/11/2021 123 Revised Syllabus of PG Library & Information Science 2021-22 06/11/2021 124 Revised -7 UG Calendar of Events 2021-22 04/11/2021 125 PGDEF Entrance Test 2021 Instructions 04/11/2021 126 Syllabi of All UG Programmes under NEP-2020 with reallocation of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination Marks 04/11/2021 127 Karnatak University App link for Competitive Examination coaching 02/11/2021 128 M.COM Entrance Test 2021 SEATING ARRANGEMENT ,Instructions & Candidates list 02/11/2021 129 TIME TABLE of Ph.D Course Work(Repeaters) November'2021. 30/10/2021 130 MATHEMATICS P.G. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2021-22 Seating Arrangement 29/10/2021 131 FINAL DRAFT REGULATIONS GOVERNING FOUR - YEAR UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMMES AS PER NEP-2020 FOR KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD Effective from 2021-22 29/10/2021 132 M.Sc.Biochemistry Entrance Examination Numbers and Blocks 2021 28/10/2021 133 M. Sc Applied Genetics Entrance Test Seating arrangements 2021-22 28/10/2021 134 Revisted -6 Calendar of Events 2021-22 27/10/2021 135 NEP-2020 UG Annexure-III A-B-C & FAQs 25/10/2021 136 INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR THE PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR PH.D., PROGRAMME IN LAW FOR THE YEAR 2020-21 23/10/2021 137 PG Commerce faculty & M.P.Ed. Entrance exam corrigendum circular 23/10/2021 138 Circular Regarding Teacher Information to all collages 23/10/2021 139 REVISED TIME -TABLE OF CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA PG DIPLOMA OCTOBER, NOVEMBER 2021. 23/10/2021 140 All PG Diploma Center Grant List October-2021 22/10/2021 141 Notification of Ph.D Course Work (Repeater) October/November 2021 22/10/2021 142 UG under NEP Syllabus Botany ,BA Computer Application & Environmental Studies 2021-22 21/10/2021 143 Karnatak University Journal of Science Vol. 52, September 2021 21/10/2021 144 B.P.Ed Calendar of Events 2021-22 21/10/2021 145 Corrigendum Time Table of MBA-IV Sem & External BA Part-I & Part-II Exams October 2021 18/10/2021 146 Revised 3 Years & 5 years LLB Time Table OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2021 18/10/2021 147 M.Com IV Semester Project Viva-Voce Examinations Information. 13/10/2021 148 Revised-5 UG Calendar of Events 2021-22 13/10/2021 149 All Certificate,Diploma & Advance Diploma Time Table October, November-2021. 13/10/2021 150 3 Years LLB & 5 years B.A LLB Time Table October,November 2021. 13/10/2021 151 Re Exam Corigendum PG External Previous and Final October 2021 13/10/2021 152 PG I Semester Calendar of Events 2021-22 12/10/2021 153 Notification for one SRF position to work in the CSIR Project 11/10/2021 154 Application for Admission to Post Graduate Degree/PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma/ Diploma & Certificate Courses 2021-22 11/10/2021 155 Karnatak University official YouTube channel 08/10/2021 156 List of Ph.D. Candidates applied for conferring Degrees In-person at the 70th &71st Annual Convocation 07/10/2021 157 Under Graduate Programme Syllabus as per NEP-2020 from 2021-22 07/10/2021 158 B ED THEORY EXAM ADVANCE SEPT OCT 2021 05/10/2021 159 Karnatak University's 70th & 71st Annual Convocation Notification 05/10/2021 160 UG library and information science OE syllabus 01/10/2021 161 REVISED-4 UG CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2021-22 01/10/2021 162 Time Table Circular Regarding Postponement of UG(B.PEd), All PG Time Table Regular & External Examination September,October 2021 30/09/2021 163 Circular KUD Revised Regulations as per NEP 2020. Effective from 2021-22 30/09/2021 164 All Under Graduate Programmes Syllabus as per NEP-2020 from 2021-22 30/09/2021 165 Circular -Regarding Promoted to Next Year for UG-PG & LLB Courses Students 28/09/2021 166 Corrigendum time Talbe of UG/PG External Exams September/October 2021 Ext 28/09/2021 167 Time Table Circular Regarding Postponement of UG, PG, B.Ed, Time Table Regular & External Examination September,October 2021 28/09/2021 168 Postponement of UG/PG Examinations of Dt:27.09.2021 26/09/2021 169 PG IIIrd sem OEC Corrigendum subject list -2021-22 25/09/2021 170 Corrigendum PG External MA Time Table September-October 2021. 24/09/2021 171 Corrigendum Time Table UG 2nd Semester September/October-2021 23/09/2021 172 Corrigendum Time Table P.G. External September/October-2021. 23/09/2021 173 Circular UG Admission of PUC Supplimentary 22/09/2021 174 Revised-3 UG Calendar of Events 2021-22 22/09/2021 175 Calendar of Events of MBA - MBA _Evening_ Programme 2021-22 22/09/2021 176 PG 3rd Semester OEC Corrigendum for the year 2021-22 22/09/2021 177 PG 3rd Sem Admission Circular -2021-22 21/09/2021 178 "Research Grants/Fellowships Opportunities Quarterly Bulletin" (October-December 2021). 18/09/2021 179 Calendar of Events B.Ed 2 & 4 Semester 2020-21 18/09/2021 180 PG Calendar of Events (3 & 5 Semester) 2021-22 18/09/2021 181 Admission APPLICATION to the 5 Years B.A.,LL.B./3 Years LL.B course (OLD) 16/09/2021 182 Corrigendum Time Table of UG II, IV, & VI Semester September-October 2021 16/09/2021 183 Circular Regarding Constituted of District wise Task Force of NEP-2020 16/09/2021 184 Corrigendum Time Table PG II & IV Semester September October 2021 16/09/2021 185 Master of Ffine Arts Time table September-october 2021 15/09/2021 186 UG VI Semester Exam Centre Grant List September, 2021 15/09/2021 187 Prabhuddha Overseas Scholarship for SC/ST Students 14/09/2021 188 Revised-2 UG Calendar of Events 2021-22 13/09/2021 189 BBA & B.Com Viva Voce October, 2021 13/09/2021 190 Calendar of Events of 3 Year LL.B & 5 Year BA LL.B 2021-22 09/09/2021 191 All PG Courses TIME TABLE All PG Final IV, Sem Final NOn Sem Revised _Regular_ & All- II, IV Repeaters, All Non Sem Repeaters Time Table Sept-October 2021 07/09/2021 192 MBA II & IV Semester Revised Time table September-October 2021 07/09/2021 193 B.A. and Bcom External Time table September/October 2021 02/09/2021 194 Corrigendum B.Com (CBCS) I Semester September 2021 02/09/2021 195 Teachers Day Circular -2021 01/09/2021 196 ALL UG SEMESTER /NON SEMESTER (VI SEMESTER FRESHERS/REPEATER & IV and II SEMESTER REPEATERS ONLY) THEORY EXAM. TIME – TABLE OF SEPTMBER / OCTOBER -2021 01/09/2021 197 M.A. & M.Com External Time Table of September/October 2021 01/09/2021 198 Circular Scholarship 27/08/2021 199 Circular of KUD Helpline NEP-2020 26/08/2021 200 Revised-1 UG Calendar of Events 2021-22 25/08/2021 201 Notification Regarding Panjab University Bhagyatara Award 2019 25/08/2021 202 Notification Regarding Haryana Vigyan Ratna and Haryana Yuva Vigyan Ratna Awards for calender year 2021 25/08/2021 203 Corrigendum of UG CBCS/NON CBCS 1, 3 & 5th Semester Time table August 2021 24/08/2021 204 Revised UG Calendar of Events - (NEP) Admission Notification and Guidelines 2021-22 23/08/2021 205 Draft Regulations NEP 2020 wef 2021-22 and onwards 21/08/2021 206 B.COM(CS) 1st Semester Corrigendum Time Table August -2021 21/08/2021 207 Circular regarding Self Appraisal Report 18/08/2021 208 B.Com & B.Com(CS) I to VI Semester CBCS Syllabus 2020-21 & onwards 17/08/2021 209 IPEICSSR Doctoral Fellowships 17/08/2021 210 Circular for IPE/ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship 17/08/2021 211 Scholarship circular 14/08/2021 212 Revised 5 years B.A LLB Time Table August/September-2021 14/08/2021 213 Revised Time Table of B.Music 3rd semester August-2021 14/08/2021 214 MVA 1st Semester Corrigendum Time Table August -2021 13/08/2021 215 Revised M.C.A Time Table August-2021 12/08/2021 216 M.B.A. 1 Semester Corrigendum Time Table august 2021 11/08/2021 217 ICSSR invites online applications from Indian Social Scientists/Research Organizations for the ICSSR Research Projects for the year 2021-22. 07/08/2021 218 UG Centre Grant List August, 2021 07/08/2021 219 Revised Time Table of UG CBCS 1st semester 07/08/2021 220 Admission Notification to the 5 Years B.A.,LL.B. course for the academic year 2021-22. 06/08/2021 221 Circular relating to implementation of KIC order 05/08/2021 222 Exam Time Table 3 Years & 5 years LLB August 2021 05/08/2021 223 All PG 2, 4, & 6th Semester Exam Notification 2021 04/08/2021 224 All UG 2, 4, & 6th Semester Exam Notification 2021 04/08/2021 225 EXAM TIME - TABLE ALL PG COURSES I , III, & V SEMESTER (REGULAR/REPEATER) THEORY EXAMINATIONS OF AUGUST/SEPTEMBER -2021 03/08/2021 226 Exam Time Table of UG Non CBCS - 1, 3, 5 Sem and CBCS - 1 Sem - 2021 02/08/2021 227 Project Proposal Invites Science and Technology 31/07/2021 228 D.C.Pavate Circular 2021 29/07/2021 229 Circular regarding conduct of UG Practical Examination July/August, 2021 27/07/2021 230 Revised Circular Regarding conduct of UG & PG semester Exam -2021 24/07/2021 231 TSW letter regarding update of bank accounts all colleges KUD 23/07/2021 232 Revised K-SET EXAMINATION Seating Arrangment 25 JULY 2021 23/07/2021 233 Revised calendar of events UG &PG : 20-21 Karnataka University, Dharwad 21/07/2021 234 Academic Council Minutes 21.07.2021 21/07/2021 235 Request to provide quotation for investment of funds in the form of Fixed Deposit. 20/07/2021 236 Circular for conduct of examination MCQ system 17/07/2021 237 Department of Zoology Model question Paper 14/07/2021 238 Application for Admission to the Hostel of Karnatak University and its Constituent Colleges 14/07/2021 239 Revised B.Ed I & III Exam Notification August-2021 14/07/2021 240 Diploma / Certificate Course Revised Exam Notification-2021. 13/07/2021 241 UG April / May Exam Application Notification-2021. 13/07/2021 242 PG & Diploma 1,3 & 5 April,May Exam Notification -2021 (For students of Covid-19 and any other reasons) 13/07/2021 243 UGC-MRP Final Report and Executive summary By Dr.Jagdish R Tonannvar, Dept of Physics, KUD... 12/07/2021 244 K-SET EXAMINATION Seating Arrangment 25 JULY 2021 12/07/2021 245 MSW I to IV Semester MCQ Model Question Paper 2021 10/07/2021 246 Model Question Paper (2020-21) Criminology and Forensic Science 10/07/2021 247 Mathematics MCQ Model Paper 09/07/2021 248 AAA Report 2018-19 and 2019-20 07/07/2021 249 MICROBIOLOGY MCQ MODEL PAPER PATTERN 2020-21 05/07/2021 250 B.Ed I Semester Admission Extended for academic year 2020-21 reg.. 05/07/2021 251 PG 2, 4, 6 & Diploma Exam Notification August- 2021 05/07/2021 252 Circular regarding Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) regarding 02/07/2021 253 B.Ed I & III Exam Notification August-2021 02/07/2021 254 UG 2, 4, & 6 Semester & Non Semester Exam Notification August-2021 30/06/2021 255 BOTANY MCQ MODEL PAPER 2020-21 28/06/2021 256 UG Revised Calendar of Events 2020-21 22/06/2021 257 PG Revised Calendar of Events 2020-21 22/06/2021 258 Proceedings of Special Academic Council Online Zoom Meeting 21.06.2021 22/06/2021 259 International Yoga Day - One Week Webinar on YOGA: Impact on Health 20/06/2021 260 Notification of Affiliation 2021-22 17/06/2021 261 National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 17/06/2021 262 Karnataka State Higher Education Council Research Grants Fellowship Opportunities 14/06/2021 263 PG KUD and Affiliated admission date extended circular for the year -2020-21 04/06/2021 264 Employees Annual property reports Circular and formats 04/06/2021 265 LL.M 2 yrs Syllabus 2020-21 03/06/2021 266 Postponement of Interview Schedule for Ph. D Programme in Law reg. 15/05/2021 267 Circular Inviting Applications through On-line mode for Admission to P.G. II IV VI semesters 2020-21 13/05/2021 268 MLISc Time Table for Online Classes from 17th May 2021 13/05/2021 269 Circular PG Re-opening Online Classes 2020-21 09/05/2021 270 Revised UG Calendar of Events 2020-21 08/05/2021 271 Inviting Applications for various Non-Teaching Posts under Consolidated salary basis 05/05/2021 272 B.Ed I Semester Admission Extended for academic year 2020-21 30/04/2021 273 PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST OF CANDIDATES FOR PH.D. PROGRAMME IN LAW FOR THE YEAR 2020-21 EXEMPTED CATEGORY (NET/SLET/M.Phil. Etc.) 27/04/2021 274 Circular - Covid-19 Regarding offline Classes Discontinuing 27/04/2021 275 B.Ed I Semester date Extended 26/04/2021 276 Revised Syllabus of Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in French and Russian w.e.f. 2021-22 & onwards 23/04/2021 277 IDIRHEM-OEC-Syllabus-Ad-hoc-2020-21 & onwards 23/04/2021 278 Covid-19 Guidelines for UG & PG Courses 22/04/2021 279 Circular Covid-19 Regarding Closing University Hostels 22/04/2021 280 KSET re-scheduled for 25-Apr-2021 is postponed further. The new date of the examination will be announced later 22/04/2021 281 Circular Regarding B.Ed 1st Sem Admission list of students for SSP 21/04/2021 282 Circular regarding postponement of UG / PG Exams April / May -2021 20/04/2021 283 CIRCULR & Application Form for Admission to PG II & IV for the year 2020-21 17/04/2021 284 Circular Regarding Postponement of UG Exams. 17/04/2021 285 Introduction of PG Dip. in Entrepreneurial Finance I & II Semester w.e.f. 2021-22 & onwards 17/04/2021 286 M.Com 1 to 4 Semester Revised Syllabus & M.Com-IV Semester 5th Addl. Specialization Course paper w.e.f. 2021-22 & onwards 17/04/2021 287 Revised B.Ed Calendar of Events 2020-21 17/04/2021 288 Circular.regarding Promoted to next Semester for LLB course 14/04/2021 289 Circular regarding Postponement of UG Exams. 14/04/2021 290 LLB Exam Time Table April, May -2021 12/04/2021 291 Circular Postponement of B.Music III Sem Exam. 12/04/2021 292 Circular-Reg Presidential Award of Certificate for the year 2021 10/04/2021 293 Circular regarding postponement of UG Exams dt:12.04.2021. 10/04/2021 294 All PG Course (Regular & Repeater) Theory Exam Time Table April / May -2021. 10/04/2021 295 REVISED KSET EXAMINATION Seating Arrangment 11th APRIL 2021 08/04/2021 296 Provisional Ph.D Selected List 2002-21 of Psychology 08/04/2021 297 Circular regarding postponement of UG Exams. 07/04/2021 298 Revised Academic Schedule for PG Courses, PG Diploma, Certificate, LLM & MCA Course for the year 2020-21 07/04/2021 299 Revised Syllabus of PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication w.e.f. 2021-22 & onward 06/04/2021 300 P.G.Dept. of Criminology & Forensic Science Ph.D Admissions 2020-21 06/04/2021 301 UG Courses Corrigendum Time Table April , May -2021 03/04/2021 302 Revised B. Music Ist, 3rd & 5th Sem April-2021 Exam Time Table 03/04/2021 303 UG Centre Grant List April-May-2021 01/04/2021 304 Circular Regarding UG Revised Calendar of Events 2020-21 31/03/2021 305 Circular Dept of Publication Journal-2021 30/03/2021 306 Circular regarding Flower Pots deposit, rent and tender form fees during 2021-22 30/03/2021 307 Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)Ministry of Education, New Delhi & Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taipei, Taiwan CALL FOR PROPOSALS: JOINT CALL FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS 2022 30/03/2021 308 All UG Courses 1 Sem CBCS & All UG Courses 1, 3 & 5 Sem April/May-2021 Examination Time Table. 26/03/2021 309 NATIONAL SEMINAR ON DR. B.R AMBEDKAR'S ROLE IN NATION BUILDING 25/03/2021 310 MBA Revised Provisional Merit List of qualified candidates for Interview for Ph.D Programme- 2020-21 23/03/2021 311 Ph.D. Botany Provisional merit list 2020-21 23/03/2021 312 Sanskrit Revised Provisional list of Eligible candidates for Ph.D. Course March-2021 22/03/2021 313 Physics Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Ph.D. Course work March 2021 22/03/2021 314 Economics Revised list of qualified candidates for Ph.D Admission 2020-21 22/03/2021 315 Dept of Economics Qualified candidates for Ph.D Admission 2020-21 Interview 21/03/2021 316 Dept of Applied Genetics Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Ph.D. Course, March-2021 20/03/2021 317 CRIMINOLOGY& FORENSIC SCIENCE Ph.D Admission Provisional Eligibility List 2020-21 20/03/2021 318 MBA Ph.D Provisional List 2020-21 20/03/2021 319 Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Ph.D. Programme 2020-21 Psychology 20/03/2021 320 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY PROVISIONAL LIST OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES FOR Ph.D PROGRAMME 2020-21 20/03/2021 321 PHILOSOPHY PROVISIONAL LIST OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES FOR Ph.d 20/03/2021 322 ZOOLOGY LIST OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES FOR Ph.D 2020-21 20/03/2021 323 English Dept Ph. D Provisional List for the year 2020-21 & instruction list 20/03/2021 324 Kannada Ph.D. Entrance Exam Provisional Merit List -20-21 20/03/2021 325 Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for PhD in Microbiology and Biotechnology 19/03/2021 326 Sociology Provisional Eligible candidates list for Ph.D Programmer 2021 19/03/2021 327 Anthropology Ph.D Candidates Provisional List-2021 19/03/2021 328 Biochemistry Provisional Eligible Candidates for Ph. D 2020-21 19/03/2021 329 Commerce Ph.D Candidates Provisional List 2020-21 19/03/2021 330 Provisional Merit List - Ph.D Candidates in Mathematics 19/03/2021 331 Provisional list of eligible candidates for Ph.D. in Statistics 19/03/2021 332 Geography Provisional List of Eligible Candidate for Ph.D Programme 2020-21 19/03/2021 333 Provisional List of Eligible Candidates Ph.D Urdu 2020-21 19/03/2021 334 Dept. of Sanskrit Provisional list of Eligible candidates for Ph.D. Course March-2021 19/03/2021 335 Dept of Chemistry Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Ph.D. Course, March-2021 18/03/2021 336 Ph.D. Key Answers of Physics and Philosophy 18/03/2021 337 Regarding DSE Papers in BA V & VI Semester _Hist. & Arch (Compulsoryt & Opt. Papers) 16/03/2021 338 Ph.D Entrance Key Answers as on 16.03.2021 16/03/2021 339 Withdrawing Notification of Teaching Faculty Notification of Advertisement of Assistant Professor Ad-hoc position (Temporary) in Research Center for Women's Studies, on 11.11.2021 16/03/2021 340 Ph.D. Entrance exam key answers as on 15.03.2021 15/03/2021 341 Ph.D. ENTRANCE KEY ANSWER March 2021 13/03/2021 342 Regarding B.Ed Revised Calendar of Events 2020-21 13/03/2021 343 Regarding the 2 groups of DSE papers in each of V & VI Semester for Mathematics _UG_ 2022-23 & onwards 13/03/2021 344 BA Computer Scinece(opt) 2020-21 13/03/2021 345 Regarding Question Paper Pattern for B.Com (CBCS) and B.Com(CS) CBCS Programme w.e.f. 2020-21 & onwards 13/03/2021 346 Regarding BA-5 & 6 Semester Economics DSE Paper w.e.f. 2022-23 & onwards 13/03/2021 347 Regarding PG Diploma in Archaeology & Museology / Archival Studies Syllabus w.e.f. 2021-22 & onwards 13/03/2021 348 Revised Syllabus of Public Administration w.e.f 2020-21 & onwards 13/03/2021 349 MCA Under CBCS Scheme Syllabus-20-21 10/03/2021 350 Notification -Regarding the 2 groups of DSE papers in each of V & VI Semester for Mathematics _UG_ 2022-23 & onwards 10/03/2021 351 Revised circular regarding Ph.D Entrance Examination 2020-21 08/03/2021 352 ADVERTISEMENT for PROJECT STAFF In ICSSR (IMPRESS Scheme) Funded Project DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINOLOGY & FORENSIC SCIENCE 06/03/2021 353 Circular-regarding SSP Fill the Seat type In the bonafide data of students data through Examination credential 06/03/2021 354 Circular regarding conduct of UG exam march-2021 05/03/2021 355 Circular regarding Ph.D Entrance Exam. March-2021 03/03/2021 356 Circular- Hyderabad Karnataka Reservation 03/03/2021 357 Submitted Karnataka University Institute Data for NIRF'2021 02/03/2021 358 Revised MBA III Sem Exam Time Table March-2021. 26/02/2021 359 Laptop Circular for SC/ST Students, Undertaking Information and APPLICATION FORMS 24/02/2021 360 Circular -Regarding Exam Bill submission Bank Account IFIC Code 23/02/2021 361 B ED THEORY EXAM ADVANCE FEB 2021 EXAM 20/02/2021 362 Extension of Dates for Submission of Ph.D Registration Application & Entrance test 2020-21. 20/02/2021 363 MVA _Applied Art_ 1 to 4 Semester CBCS Syllabus wef 2020-21 & onwards 20/02/2021 364 Circular -Kannada-I to VI Sem Corrigundem of BA-B.Sc-B.Com & Others Course 20/02/2021 365 Advertisement for the post of junior research fellow (JRF) on DBT-NER Twinning project 19/02/2021 366 Circular- State Scholarship Portal (SSP) Seat type entry for admitted students 18/02/2021 367 Revised PG & Diploma Notification 2021 15/02/2021 368 Amendment Ph.D Admission 20-21 Students Submission of Caste Certificate 15/02/2021 369 Revised Circular regarding conduct of Practical Examinations 12/02/2021 370 B.P.Ed Calendar of Events 2020-21 11/02/2021 371 Best Research publication(s) in Science-2020 11/02/2021 372 Circular and Guidelines for Promoting students to higher semester for the academic year-2019-20 (Covid-19) 11/02/2021 373 Regarding 2020-21 Practical Examination Feb-March, 2021 10/02/2021 374 Regarding 2020 Annual Convocation Notification 10/02/2021 375 Ph.D Addendum 2020-21 08/02/2021 376 PG MBA Admission circular 2020-21 08/02/2021 377 Corrigendum Ph.D Course Work Examination of Feb-2021 08/02/2021 378 PG 1 Sem, Non Sem & All Diploma Exam Notification April-2021 04/02/2021 379 Regarding PG Examinaton for Covid Students 03/02/2021 380 MA & M.COM REPEATERS NOTIFICATION 03/02/2021 381 All UG & PG EXAMINATIONS GUIDELINES -2020-21 03/02/2021 382 Seniority list of DR, AR, OS, AOS, Assistants, Jr.Asst & Typist Staff as on 01.01.2021 02/02/2021 383 Seniority list of Lab & Technical, Building & Technical & Group 'D' Staff as on 01.01.2021 02/02/2021 384 Notification for call for papers for KU Journal of Science, Volume 52, 2021 along with the Instructions to Authors on the Karnatak University 02/02/2021 385 Circular reg. Seniority list of Working NT Staff as on 01.01.2021 02/02/2021 386 External section circular 30/01/2021 387 B.Ed Centre Grant List February-2021 30/01/2021 388 Ph.D Course Work Examinations of Feb-2021 29/01/2021 389 Notification for the recruitment of project assistant in DST project ((Dept of Zoology) 29/01/2021 390 Ph.D Notification 2020-21 29/01/2021 391 Correspondence repeater exam Application postponed BA and B.Com 1,2 and 3 29/01/2021 392 Regarding Revised PG Calendar of Events 2020-21 28/01/2021 393 PG Semester, Non Semester Theory Exam Time Table Feb-2021 28/01/2021 394 B.Ed II, IV Sem (Regular) & I,III Sem (Repeaters) Examinations of Feb-2021 27/01/2021 395 Regarding UG Practical Exam 23/01/2021 396 Revised All UG 1, 3, 5 Sem/Non Sem Exam Notification Feb-2021 22/01/2021 397 External School of Correspondence Education. Old Student BA ,B.Com, MA M.Com Admission 2020-21 22/01/2021 398 Revised-1 All UG Sem/Non Sem Exam Notification Jan -2021 19/01/2021 399 Circular Regarding UG Students COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 2020-21 19/01/2021 400 Revised UG Calendar of Events 2020-21 19/01/2021 401 ANNUAL CONVOCATION 2020 Date Extended Notification 15/01/2021 402 Revised-I All PG 3rd Sem & 2nd Year Non Sem & MTA 7th & 9th Sem Reapeater Exam Notification-2021 15/01/2021 403 Revised All PG 3rd Sem, 2nd Year Non Sem & MTA 7th & 9th Sem _Reapeater_ Exam Notification-2021.. 13/01/2021 404 Journal circular-2020 12/01/2021 405 Circular - UG Practical Exam Feb 2021 11/01/2021 406 Corrigendum-1 All UG Sem, Non Sem Exam Notification Jan-2021 11/01/2021 407 Calendar of Events of 3 Year LL.B & 5 Year BA LL.B Course 2020-21 08/01/2021 408 Calendar of Events of MCA-I & II Semester 2020-21 08/01/2021 409 All PG 3rd Sem, 2nd Year Non Sem & MTA 7th & 9th Sem (Repeater) Exam Notification-2021 08/01/2021 410 Regarding PG Admissions vacant seats in Campus and Affiliated colleges for the year 2020-21 07/01/2021 411 Circular regarding without permission Cutting/Clearing tree plant in campus 07/01/2021 412 REVISED SUBJECT CODES OF UG CBCS SCHEME 05/01/2021 413 Corrigendum All UG Sem / Non Sem Exam Notification -2021 05/01/2021 414 LL.M. (Vacant Seats) Admission Schedule 04/01/2021 415 CBSC Subject Codes 04/01/2021 416 Notification for TA/GF - Dr.Babu Jagajivan Ram Studies Research and Extension Centre, KUD 04/01/2021 417 The Award of Best Research publication(s) in Science-2020 01/01/2021 418 Application are invited for the post of Research Assistants and Office Assistant from the eligible candidates to work under the Tribal Research Institute (TRI), Mysore founders Project entitled (2) 31/12/2020 419 Budget Circular for the year 2021-22 31/12/2020 420 Revised PG Calendar of Events 2020-21 29/12/2020 421 Revised-I B.P.Ed Calendar of Events 2020-21 29/12/2020 422 Revised UG Calendar of Events 2020-21 28/12/2020 423 Revised All UG Semester, Non Semester Theory Exam Time Table-2020-21 23/12/2020 424 COVID -Test Results Students & Staff of KUD Campus held from 27th to 28h November, 2020 07/12/2020 425 Online Fee Payment 18/08/2020 426 3 year LL.B & 5 Year BA LL Calendar of Events 2020-21 17/08/2020 427 Circular Regarding information of Admission, Examination, Hostel 17/08/2020 428 Circular - Vocation Dates extended for Teaching Staff 1.07.2020 & 2.07.2020 01/07/2020 429 Introduction of MTTM Five Years Integrated Course w.e.f. 2020-21 & onwards 30/06/2020 430 BSc Hotel Management Syllabus 2019-20 & Onwards... 30/06/2020 431 Applications date extended 11.07.2020 Post of Guest Faculty/Teaching Assistant at PG Dept./PG Centre/College for the Year 2020-21 (corrigendum Notification) 26/06/2020 432 Regulations CBCS for UG 2020-21 & onwards 20/06/2020 433 Circular –Regarding Bank Accounts Details of Colleges Provided to SSP Portal 19/05/2020 434 Office Circular regarding Corona Virus(COVID-19) for Constituent colleges, all PG Centers, leave from 01.04.2020 to 14.04.2020 28/03/2020 435 Office Circular regarding Corona Virus(COVID-19) for non Teaching staff Constituent colleges, all PG Centers, leave from 23.3.2020 to 31.03.2020 23/03/2020 436 INFORMATION FOR THE PREPARATION OF ANNUAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT (2018-19) 21/03/2020 437 Faculty of Arts Notification & Syllabus 2020-21 20/03/2020 438 B.Ed I & III Semester Exam Time Table-2020.. 18/03/2020 439 MTTM Notification and Syllabus 2020-21.. 25/02/2020 440 Corrigendum -2 NCC Cadet Time Table-2020 25/02/2020 441 PG IV Sem Kannada Corrigendum Exam Time Table Feb-2020 25/02/2020 442 Ph.D Course Work Repeater Notification Feb-2020... 22/02/2020 443 APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY 20/02/2020 444 Circular for Sports Selection Trials of Taekwondo (M&W) 20/02/2020 445 Circular - Matrubhasha Divas Celebration on 20.2.2020 18/02/2020 446 Circular syllabus of U.G. Courses for special Examinations (One Time Measure) to be held in February 2020 06/02/2020 447 PG II, IV & MCA II,IV & VI sem Admission Postponment circular for year-2019-20 21/01/2020 448 Circular Viva BBA B.Com (CS) -2020.. 21/01/2020 449 M.B.A Prephoned Time Table Jan-2020 08/01/2020 450 M.V.A First Sem Jan - 2020 08/01/2020 451 Migration form 08/01/2020 452 The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2016-17 03/01/2020 453 BCA-II Semester Model Question Paper 2019-20 27/12/2019 454 PG Diploma in Rural Management _PGDRM wef 2019-20 27/12/2019 455 SLM DETAILS 27/12/2019 456 CIRCULAR POSTMATRIC SCHOLARSHIP SSP 24/12/2019 457 SSP Portal: Students' statistics to be Provided to Social Welfare Department... Follow the link... 03/12/2019 458 Notification of Guest Faculty PUC 2019-20 29/06/2019 459 AAA Report 2016-18 12/04/2019 460 REVISED B.Ed. Semester , Last Golden Chance Examination Time Table-April,May 2019 10/04/2019 461 Circular- Penal fees for late submission of Orignal Eligibility Certificate circular 29/03/2019 462 Circular regarding practical Exam Mar / Apr - 2019 28/03/2019 463 Pontponed of UG Closing Dates. 15/03/2019 464 Ordinary Academic Council Meeting notice 27/02/2019 465 School of Correspondence Education, Admission date extension of B.A B.Com 2 3 M.A. M.Com Final Year 20/02/2019 466 69th Annual convocation 2018 UG-PG, PH.D. RANK HOLDERS, INPERSON LIST 03/02/2019 467 PG Diploma Course Exam Postponed Dated 22.01.2019 21/01/2019 468 69th Annual convocation Phd Circular 18/01/2019 469 Migration form 10/01/2019 470 POSTPONED TIME – TABLE ALL PG COURSE (REGULAR /LAST GOLDEN CHANCE) THEORY EXAM. TIME–TABLE, JAN- 2019. 08/01/2019 471 Postponed NCC U.G Time Table 08/01/2019 472 MSW I & III Semester (CBCS) P.G. Degree Examination Dec-2018/ Jan-2019 which was scheduled on 08-01-2019 and 09-01-2019 was postponed on 10-01-2019 and 11-01-2019. 07/01/2019 473 The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2014-15 12/09/2018 474 The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2015-16 12/09/2018 475 Migration Certificate Form 29/06/2018 476 (AAA )Academic and Administrative Audit Committee Report 2014-15 21/02/2017 477 Ph.d & M.Phil Synopsis Application form 08/02/2017


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